Robbinsdale Area Schools
Students eating lunch in the caferteria

Learn more: Neill Elementary School

Discover what makes Neill Elementary School a place where students can Believe, Belong and Become | Watch the video

Students working at their desks
kids on playground

Neill Elementary

We work to create a welcoming, nurturing, and engaging learning environment for all students.

Principal's welcome

Jen Smith

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Ready, set, go!

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Technology levy renewal

Learn more about the levy renewal. Don't forget: election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.


Everything you need to know

Where students thrive

Belong to a community

Become who you are meant to be.

School News

Principal's Update 01/08/2025

Hello Roadrunner Families!

Happy New Year, I hope you all enjoyed your winter break.  It has been great to see all our students back in the building and jumping back into learning.  

Please see below about a few upcoming district events.  First off is our Kindergarten Information Fair, which is this Saturday at Fair Crystal.  If you have an incoming kindergarten student come to find out all you need to know about registration, screening, neighborhood schools and magnet lotteries.  There will be fun activities for the students to engage in and you will have the opportunity to interact with staff from all our elementary schools.  We hope to see you there!  We also have a free family candlelight yoga on January 23rd at Robbinsdale Middle School.  Finally, our Superintendent is hosting another town hall meeting to continue to discuss the budget.  Mark your calendars for all these events.  

Cold and flu season is upon us.  When your child is sick please refer to our district guidelines for if your student should come to school.  These can be found on the health services page under Illness and Communicable Disease.  If your child needs to be absent make sure to call the attendance line at 763-504-7410 to leave a message about your child's absence.  

In partnership, 


Principal Smith


Ms. Prindiville Music Update


Welcome back to school! I’m looking forward to seeing all the students in the music room again!

Here are a few things to look forward to:

Kinder: We will continue to learn about musical opposites through singing, movement, and games.

1st grade: Students will continue developing their singing voice, and work on reading melody and rhythms.

2nd grade: Second graders will learn a new melody pitch and new rhythm, half note.

3rd grade: We will be working on singing rounds, listening for musical elements and learning a new rhythm, sixteenth notes.

4th grade: We will begin a unit with recorders!

5th grade: As middle school registration comes up, please consider registering for choir as an elective. Students have the choice of band, orchestra, and choir at middle school. There are so many great singers in 5th grade, and they would be wonderful additions to our middle school choirs!


Colder Weather is Here!

Please send your student with necessary cold weather wear.  This includes snow pants, boots, winter gloves, hat, coat/jacket and scarf.  Students are expected to go outside for recess daily.  Physician's notes are required when requesting to have a student stay indoors.  When the air temperature is 0 and/or wind chill is -10 or lower, students will remain indoors.  Neill Elementary has limited winter wear items available to loan to students.

Read more for the district's winter weather closing guide.

Town Hall graphic

Robbinsdale Area Schools invites families, staff, community members, and partners to join us for the State of the Budget Town Hall, set for 6:30 – 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at Cooper High School.

School Calendar

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