Robbinsdale Area Schools

Ms. Prindiville Music Update

Ms. Prindiville Music Update

We have started something new in music! All grades have started using the collection of barred instruments here at Neill. They are xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels. This week, we have been learning the routines and expectations around this new equipment, and all classes will be using them to reinforce music skills and concepts. Students have been excited to try them, and they are doing a great job with the new routines!

Our fifth graders took a field trip last Friday to Armstrong High School to view a performance of the Armstrong Concert Choir and the middle school select choirs, meet the middle school choir teachers, and learn from students who are members of the choirs in middle and high school. Fifth grade families: if you missed the registration for choir in middle school, and your student wants to join, please email me ( and I can put you in touch with the counselors at the middle schools.