Robbinsdale Area Schools


Open communication between home and school is critical to your student's success and we encourage communication between staff, families, and students.  If a concern or question arises please do not hesitate to reach out to the staff who is directly working with the concern or program, in most cases the classroom teacher or specialist.  If communication with that staff does not resolve the issue, your next step is to contact your building administrators.

Conferences, open houses, progress reports, and school newsletters are some of the formal ways we use to keep you informed about your child's school experiences. Teachers may also send email messages, notes in your child’s backpack, or messages through SeeSaw or Schoology. Please check these locations regularly for important school information. 

An email or note to your student's teacher or the office is required in the following circumstances:

  • If your student has a need to stay in during recess or to miss physical education class you will need to provide a note from the doctor.

  • Your student will leave school early, or will leave and return during the day.

  • Your student will have a different plan than the usual routine, for example usually riding the bus but you have decided to pick up one day. 

Our primary way of communicating with families is through email, phone calls, or text messages.  It is critical we have accurate information in order to get a hold of you.  If your contact information has changed please call the main office at 763-504-7400 so that we can update our system.