Health Services
A registered nurse and/or health education assistant are on duty daily at Neill. The nurse is available for consultations with families, if needed. Please let the school nurse or teacher know if your student has a health problem that may affect the student's learning or functioning at school. When a student develops a fever or other symptoms of illness or receives a significant injury, the parent or emergency contact will be notified. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide transportation home for the student and we ask that the student is picked up as soon as possible.
Robbinsdale Area Schools Health Services Department seeks to create and sustain a school environment which promotes and supports student health, well-being and academic achievement.
Students are expected to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess and physical education, unless an order is received from a licensed health care provider. The order must include the reason for the restriction, length of restriction and health care provider signature.
- Immunizations
- Medications and Treatments at School
- Illness and Communicable Disease
- Individual Health Care Plans (IHPs)
- District Wellness Initiatives
- Other Health Forms
Medications and Treatments at School
Illness and Communicable Disease
Individual Health Care Plans (IHPs)
District Wellness Initiatives
Other Health Forms
Toni Boyden
Director of Student Services